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Glass walk
Glass walking is just what it sounds like: walking barefoot across a bed of broken glass shards. It is a powerful metaphor for overcoming obstacles and embracing change.
As people step onto the glass, they often experience a huge shift in perspective and a rush of adrenaline. The act of walking on glass symbolizes breaking through personal barriers, stepping out of comfort zones, and harnessing inner strength. With each step taken across the glass, individuals celebrate their triumphs and resilience. We are reminded that they can navigate life's challenges with grace and strength.
During the fire walk event, we will learn about intent, creative visualizations and other exercises to help confront those deeply rooted fears. When you step onto the hot coals, you learn that you can challenge those limiting beliefs and embrace change. You learn that you have the strength within you to handle anything that gets in your way.
growth. You will leave empowered and transformed.
Arrow break
Arrow breaking is a dynamic and empowering experience that challenges participants to break an arrow with their throat, symbolizing the release of limiting beliefs and overcoming personal barriers.
the transformational experience.
The act of breaking an arrow begins with participants placing the arrow against their throat and leaning into it with focused intention. This powerful moment not only leads to the physical breaking of the arrow but also represents a profound inner breakthrough as individuals confront and release their fears. This powerful activity serves as a reminder they can break through any obstacle and emerge more empowered than ever.
Fire walk
A fire walk is a transformative experience that involves walking barefoot across a bed of hot coals. This practice has roots in various cultures around the world, often symbolizing a rite of passage or a powerful method of personal empowerment and self-discovery.
During the fire walk event, we will learn about intent, creative visualizations and other exercises to help confront those deeply rooted fears. When you step onto the hot coals, you learn that you can challenge those limiting beliefs and embrace change. You learn that you have the strength within you to handle anything that gets in your way.
growth. You will leave empowered and transformed.